Latitude 31-30: Estuary to the Abyss
Explore the deep waters of the Blake Plateau off the Georgia/South Carolina coast.
Gray's Reef Expedition
Comparison of fisheries assessment methodologies. Read about Leg 01 of this expedition through daily logs, scientist's profiles and more.
Sea Turtle In-Water Study 
Experience a day in the Sea Turtle In-Water project with South Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources. 
The Transects Program
Pathways to Oceanographic Research Using a Mentoring Team Approach . College of Charleston students collect and analyze data in a program which puts them at sea for five days followed by a semester of research in the lab
Charleston Bump 2003
Researchers return to the Charleston Bump to study a variety of sea floor habitats and communities in this complex, dynamic environment.

Oculina Coral Banks 2003
Scientists return to the Oculina Coral Banks to explore using an ROV. NASA's Telescience group provides a webcast and school groups question the scientists.

The Charleston Gyre
Exploration of the Charleston Gyre and its contribution to the production on the southeast United States continental shelf.
Oculina Coral Banks 2002
Scientists from multiple organizations set out to map the sea floor. The expedition was centered around the mapping and future protection of deep water coral reef off the Florida coast.
Submersible Johnson Sea-Link

Islands in the Stream 2002:
Underwater Oases

Numerous submersible dives explored the different shelf-edge habitats from Florida to South Carolina. Resources related to this NOAA Ocean Exploration expedition are included.

Submersible Clelia


Publication of Project Oceanica.
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